5 Day Great Masqueraders EKG Challenge: Are you ready?

This challenge will cover benign complaints that were anything but benign!


Sign ups close in:










Who is this for?

Providers of any level who want to get better reading EKGs!

What's on the menu?

This is a EKG Challenge filled with things that you THINK are one thing...then there's a plot twist! 

Day One: Meet a 47 y/o F who had dyspnea with exertion...and her primary care sent her home with anxiety diagnosis. But she wasn't anxious. 

Day Two: Meet a 87 y/o F who got upset about a gate change at the airport...and the family reunion she flew to was the least of her problems. 

Day Three: Meet a 37 y/o F with dyspnea while running...is she just out of shape?

Day Four: Meet a 59 y/o salesman friend of yours who walks into your clinic with a STEMI. Or is it?  

Day Five: A 20 y/o M brought in by his mom for flu symptoms, and he is "very tired". Is it just the flu? 


"Her passion to share her vast knowledge of Cardiac science and medicine in the EKG class was most evident as she exhibits it in each session educating a novice and a advanced student side by side. The content was taught in not only simple language but in an extremely well organized systematic methodology."

Marla Shaghaghi, RN, BBA, CST

"I think what you are doing is amazing! I hope to continue your workshops I enjoy them!"

Jennifer Hill

Frequently Asked Questions

A: If you are a PA, NP, PA Student, NP Student, Paramedic, EKG Tech you will benefit from this course! 


A case will drop in the morning at 0800 am PST. All participants can work through it, then at 1600 every night we will meet in the FB group LIVE and work through the case together. There will also be about 20 minutes of teaching that will go along with the case.
You will only need about 45 minutes per day. If you miss a lesson, you can always catch up later.

There is 2.5 contact hours of Category I CE for PA's/NP's.


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